Ode to an old friend, I miss you, my best friend of 15 and a half years.. what do you say? I haven't written in this blog for almost three months because Ginger got really sick shortly after the last entry and at exactly 1035am on Wednesday, August 4th, 2010, she took her last breath and passed away. Ginger had been diagnosed with Leukemia (Chronic type)almost two years ago. I took her to the canine oncologist in Annapolis and bought the prescribed chemo meds. I couldn't go through with it after seeing the suffering that my own mom went through when she fought off breast cancer. Chemo is no joke, people. The vets were telling me that dogs handle it better, etc. Yeah right, do dogs speak? Regardless, I just couldn't do it and put it in God's hands. I knew there would come a time when I would need to make a decision, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to and that Ginger would do that on her own. Well, she was such a little slugger, she surprised me by living much longer than the vets had expected. She suffered through seizures that were brought on by the leukemia robbing her brain of oxygen. In the beginning, the seizures were few and far between but she ended up having them almost every time she exerted herself. She was my shadow for the past 15.5 years. My third ankle, my best friend. I could write a book about her and I have in my own journal, this is Annie's venue so I will remain true to that. I had to mention Ginger's passing on though. If it weren't for Ginger, there would be no Annie or Reed, my sister's Jack Russell Terrier.
When she passed away, she took some of me with her. I do not handle death well and that is the only thing that I do not like about dogs, they die and leave us. I keep thinking this will be the first Christmas in 16 years that she and I aren't together. How is it fair that life goes on and she's not here? The vet came to the house, I couldn't have her last memory in a cold vets office with all the noise and chaos. She'd reached a point where she hated to go to the vets after all the blood tests with her Leukemia. Dr. Golden was very kind when he arrived but before he got here, I regretted your last night's sleep, very rough but it showed me I had made the right decision. You ended up in the corner of the room with your nose buried in the carpet, your breathing was labored. We went outside, you did great and took a quick whiz. We stayed out there for quite a while. I don't think you knew what was going on but you knew you were with me and that is all that has ever really mattered to you. I made you scrambled eggs, you wouldn't eat. I did give you some cheese, I was glad to see you eat a little of it. Then.. the Dr's car was in the driveway. He stayed a long time, asked if I was ready and I said yes. I gave you one last hug. He explained what was going to happen, I looked at you and you looked scared Ginny, kinda confused. It broke my heart. He ended up trying to stick you with that needle three times. You scurried up into my arms for protection, I held you while he finally got it in. I feel terrible about that but I knew it had to be done, I'm sorry little peanut. You fell asleep almost instantly. You were so sound asleep, you snored and snored loud, I told the Doc that you hadn't slept that soundly in a long long time. Finally, he gave you the second shot and your breathing stopped instantly. My heart shattered right then and there. I looked up and noted the time 1035am, August 4th. I will never forget that. After he left, I brought your little buds out one at a time, Tiger gave you a couple of sniffs and laid down, Caesar sniffed you too, your little son and ran off up the steps. Annie, the one that I know you did not like, truly grieved.. I guess it's because maybe she has seen death before and Tiger and Caesar haven't, Annie went into the front bedroom and did not come out for two days. She has not, as of yet, used your bed to sleep in. Tiger and Caesar do sometimes, not often. We all miss you, Ginny but Annie hurt. I was honestly surprised by that. She loved you, too.
I first met you when you were six weeks old, you were already potty trained. My little over achiever :) You were born in a little Rancher house to an older retired couple that loved Jack Russell's. Your mom was 9 and your dad was 11. The man had built them the biggest dog house that I have ever seen; a converted shed with many floors to play in. The lady gave me a pick, you or your sister.. there were only two of you, you were the tiny one, I picked you. You didn't need a leash, you never left my side, even outside you always stayed with me. I always felt that you and I were meant to be. Thank you for sharing your life with me, little Ginny, my Binnio, my Gin Gin, your life was a special one. Heaven is now a brighter place because you are there.
Rest in PEACE my little one, I love you. Ginger, aka. .jelly bean, peanut, boo.. and many other little names she acquired over the years .. March 12, 1995 - August 4, 2010. :( ..until we see each other again.